Installation Services
Computer aided design of the complete aquarium systems.
Project management and supervision of installation.
Design of interior decor using both artificial and natural materials, filtration, lighting, automation and cabinetry.
Aquarium Overhaul and Renovation.
Aquarium Relocation.
Aquarium Maintenance Services:
Concierge service for residential aquariums, fish ponds, water features.
Commercial aquarium services for assisted living and nursing homes, business offices, department stores, government offices, medical/dental offices, university labs and classrooms, auto dealership waiting areas, museums, childcare centers, restaurants, hotels, hospitals, spas, and pet stores (PetSmart and Petco).
Documentation during all service visits in triplicate. This ensures that the client, the aquarium technician, and our office staff are able to track all aspects of the visit, including the delivery of livestock, suppliers and parts.
Weekly saltwater aquarium services.
Bimonthly and monthly freshwater aquarium services.
Computer programming and automation: remotely monitor and control aspects of filtration, lighting, dosing and feeding, including e-mail and text alerts.
24-hour emergency service response to our clients.